ORB_SLAM2 安装 血的教训 - Something TO DO

ORB_SLAM2 安装 血的教训

Something TO DO posted @ 2018年1月28日 14:32 in C++ with tags ubuntu camera orb_slam2 , 7008 阅读


一, 安装依赖项



1) Boost

2) Pangolin

3) OpenCV

4) Eigen3

5) DBoW2和g2o (在Thirdparty文件夹下有,无需安装)




sudo apt-get install libboost-all-dev





Required Dependencies


    OpenGL (Desktop / ES / ES2)


sudo apt-get install libglew-dev


    CMake (for build environment)

sudo apt-get install cmake

Recommended Dependencies(电脑中貌似基本都有,可以命令行输入python看一下)

    Python2 / Python3, for drop-down interactive console

(deb) sudo apt-get install libpython2.7-dev
git clone https://github.com/stevenlovegrove/Pangolin.git

cd Pangolin

mkdir build

cd build

cmake ..

cmake --build .

3) OpenCV安装

这个下载源码,编译安装就行,版本要求在2.4.3以上就行,原作者用的是OpenCV 2.4.11 and OpenCV 3.2做的测试,我下载的是OpenCV 2.4.13,也可以工作。

4)Eigen3 安装

sudo apt-get install libeigen3-dev
cd /usr/include/eigen3
sudo cp Eigen/ .. -R (将Eigen文件夹放在/usr/include下面)



二, ORB_SLAM2安装

1, 下载ORB_SLAM2源代码


git clone https://github.com/raulmur/ORB_SLAM2.git

2, 编译,在catkin_ws/src/ORB_SLAM2/目录下编译


chmod +x build.sh




TUM Dataset

Download a sequence from http://vision.in.tum.de/data/datasets/rgbd-dataset/download and uncompress it.

    Execute the following command. Change TUMX.yaml to TUM1.yaml,TUM2.yaml or TUM3.yaml for freiburg1, freiburg2 and freiburg3 sequences respectively. Change PATH_TO_SEQUENCE_FOLDERto the uncompressed sequence folder.

./Examples/Monocular/mono_tum Vocabulary/ORBvoc.txt Examples/Monocular/TUMX.yaml PATH_TO_SEQUENCE_FOLDER


3, 之前这些都是非ROS版本的ORB_SLAM2,下面编译ros版本的


Add the path including Examples/ROS/ORB_SLAM2 to the ROS_PACKAGE_PATH environment variable. Open .bashrc file and add at the end the following line. Replace PATH by the folder where you cloned ORB_SLAM2:




export ROS_PACKAGE_PATH=${ROS_PACKAGE_PATH}:/home/{用户名}/catkin_ws/src/ORB_SLAM2/Examples/ROS


locate boost_system
locate boost_filesystem

找到这两个文件 libboost_system.so和libboost_filesystem.so后,将他们复制到 /home/{用户名}/catkin_ws/src/ORB_SLAM2/lib目录下。









chmod +x build_ros.sh




4, Execute build_ros.sh script:



1. 使用博世公司的 "usb_cam":A ROS Driver for V4L USB Cameras

cd catkin_ws/src
git clone https://github.com/bosch-ros-pkg/usb_cam.git
cd ../




2. 编译ROS相机标定包

rosdep install camera_calibration
rosmake camera_calibration

3. 启动usb_cam,获取笔记本摄像头的图像


// sudo apt-get install ros-indigo-usb-cam optional 若没有安装usb_cam驱动时安装

roslaunch usb_cam usb-cam-test.launch


4. 启动标定程序

rosrun camera_calibration cameracalibrator.py --size 8x6 --square 0.025 image:=/usb_cam/image_raw camera:=/usb_cam

其中image:= 和camera:=后的内容需要根据自己电脑摄像头的话题和节点来修改,可以通过rqt_graph来查看。比如有的会是image:=/camera/image_raw camera:=/camera











roslaunch usb_cam usb_cam-test.launch
rosrun ORB_SLAM2 Mono /home/mazhg/catkin_ws/src/ORB_SLAM2/Vocabulary/ORBvoc.txt /home/mazhg/catkin_ws/src/ORB_SLAM2/Examples/Monocular/myusb.yaml



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2018年5月28日 23:54

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Something TO DO 说:
2018年8月14日 08:42

@goodman: 多谢提醒,已修改

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