math - Something TO DO


Something TO DO posted @ 2014年7月10日 10:19 in math with tags Normal Vector unit normal , 1062 阅读



Normal Vector

The normal vector, often simply called the "normal," to a surface is a vector perpendicular to it. Often, the normal unit vector is desired, which is sometimes known as the "unit normal." The terms "normal vector" and "normalized vector" should not be confused, especially since unit norm vectors might be called "normalized normal vectors" without redundancy. When normals are considered on closed surfaces, the inward-pointing normal (pointing towards the interior of the surface) and outward-pointing normal are usually distinguished. The normal vector is commonly denoted N or n, with a hat sometimes (but not always) added (i.e., N^^ and n^^) to explicitly indicate a unit normal vector.

Projection matrix(投影矩阵)

$P = A(A^TA)^{-1}A^T$ is a projection matrix where $A = [1,m]^T$


$\cdot$ $P$ is called a projection matrix if $P^2=P$

$\cdot$ $I$ is a projection matrix

Convex set and Convex Function


假设X,Y在空间中,则有任意$a(0<= a <= 1)$使得$aX+(1-a)Y$仍然属于这个向量空间,那么这个向量空间及时凸集。


一个定义在某个向量空间的凸子集$C$上的实值函数$f$,如果在定义域$C$上的任意两点$x,y$,以及$t\in [0,1]$,有

\[f(tx+(1-t)y)\leq tf(x)+(1-t)f(y)\]


Matrix theory

column vector $p_i$,$q_i$, and a constant column vector $y_k$.




$a\times b=(a_yb_z-a_zb_y)i+(a_zb_x-a_xb_z)j+(a_xb_y-a_yb_x)k$,为了帮助记忆,利用三阶行列式,写成


2nd PUC Question Pap 说:
2022年8月24日 12:58

Karnataka PUC Question Paper 2023 Download – KSEEB 1st & 2nd PUC Important Question Paper 2023, The Department of Pre-University Education, 2nd PUC Question Paper 2023 Government of Karnataka PUE, has been announced the Previous Question Paper for II PUC examination for the year 2023. The examination will begin in the month of March 2023 and will continue till March last week 2023.

Avatar_small 说:
2024年1月09日 14:16

The Board model paper" typically refers to a sample or model question paper that is designed by educational boards or institutions for various exams. These papers serve as practice material for students preparing for exams, providing them with an idea of the question format, difficulty level, and the type of content that may be covered in the actual examination. Model papers are usually created for specific subjects or courses. They cover a range of topics and chapters that students are expected to have studied during the academic term. Students often use these educational board model papers as an integral part of their exam preparation strategy, helping them familiarize themselves with the exam pattern and refine their understanding of the subject matter.

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